
3 Week Diet Review - Lose Weight Quickly

3 Week Diet Review 

Hello everyone ,
you may heard the name of this weight loss program before on social media , websites, emails , but you have doubt about this 3 week diet plan ,in this review we will take a close look at every aspect of The 3 Week Diet and determines the cons and pros ,i will show you the highlighted information you going to find in this weight loss program, so you will know if it’s for you or not . you can also download Free introduction manual of 3 week diet to have an idea about this diet strategy .

The 3 Week Diet is a new  diet plan that guarantees to help people lose weight quickly, Brian Flatt  the Author  of this weight loss plan claims that you can lose between 12 and 23 pounds  (5 to 10 Kilograms) of body fat within 21 days , Brian markets the program as a a foolproof science-based weight loss program that’s 100% guaranteed to help you faster than any other diet .

3 Week Diet Review 

About the Author - Brian Flatt

Brian Flatt is the man behind this weight loss plan  “ 3 Week Diet ”, He is a  sports nutritionist, health coach, personal trainer and acclaimed nutritionist, Brian helped Lots of people to lose body fat  and  achieve their desired body shape . Brian Flatt created 3 week diet after 12 years of research ,the findings in his eBook are based on scientific research  and produce results in short time.

Brian Flatt got degree from San Diego State University in the field of biology , he is the owner of  The Rev Fitness in Southern California , He’s been working in the health fitness industry from the 90’s .

What’s included in the program? - 3 Week Diet Review 

3 week diet system  provides  of 4 separate manuals

The Introduction Manual (43 pages) : it discusses how we gain and lose weight and the science behind this and what absolutely needs to be done to attack that stubborn body fat and also the Manual  will discuss the recommended supplements  for this weight loss system  to be successful   and how they help you lose weight quickly , increase metabolism .

The Diet Plan Manual (22 pages) : will show you  step by step instructions for calculating your lean body mass vs ,fat percentage, You’ll know what you need to eat  every day in order to lose fat , It explains how much to eat, and when to eat it.

The Workout Manual (17 pages) Brian Flatt shared exircises can help you to nearly double your fat burning results and lose weight quickly ,Brian developed an exercise program that provides “no excuses” because they take just 20 minutes a day, 3-4 days per week ,The Workout Manual also includes the ultimate Midsection Miracle Workout, which contains the only two abs exercises .

Mindset and Motivation Manual (13 pages)   includes  Some mindset and motivational tips  to help keep you on track and focus on your goals with the diet .

3 Week Diet Review - How the 3 Week Diet System Works?

The 3 Week Diet system works in different steps ,Its important to follow these four steps if you want to lose weight quickly .

Step 1: Liver  Detoxification

This Step focuses on body cleansing especially liver ,it will help all those men and women who want to lose weight quickly ,It provides assistance to get rid of all the harmful toxins from the body , The 3 Week Diet System includes use of Vitamins , Brian Flatt recommends A , D , C vitamins , The use of specific vitamins will help to accelerate the sensitivity of insulin.
In this Step you will lose a lot of your weight ,Some people found loss of 5-10 pounds after this Step .

Step 2: Fasting

After you complete the first Step Liver Detoxification ,then comes to the second step ,This step involves 24 hours fasting for one complete day , fasting cleanse the rest of the toxins and help your body to starts burning fat more efficienty .

Step 3: Fat Fast Diet

Fat Fast Diet process it is a technique that is scientifically proven this step starts on 9th day, since your started the 3 Week Diet system the process only lasts for 3 days ,This step will accelerate the fat burning process , you continue improving you liver efficiency while your body burning up stored belly fat and hips region .

Step 4: (BMR) Basal Metabolic Rate

The last Step of 3 Week Diet plan starting from day 12 to 21. this Step focuses on Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR is the minimal rate of energy expenditure per unit time by human beings at rest) .

Brian Flatt divided this phase into 2 steps

  1. In the first step, you will lerarn  how to calculate your BMR.
  2. in the second step, you need to determine the amount of calories to consume based on your unique BMR.
The step four of the 3 week diet is the most effective phrase it will help you to lose weight quickly and  achieve you desired body shape .

Can You Lose 23 Pounds in 3-Weeks Diet ?

To me it so hard to lose 23 pound in 3 week you need to putt some efforts ,and I believe many others would also probably think the same it , I firmly believe you can lose between 12 -18 pounds if you follow the meal plan, the exercise plan, and keep it up for 3 weeks .

Free Sample PDF of 3 Week Diet Introduction Manual

Here’s the 3 Week Diet freePDF download of Introduction Manual (small part of the eBook). you will get the idea about quality and effectiveness of the program .

Pros and cons of 3 Week Diet

Let’s take a look on some Pros and cons in this 3 week diet review

3 Week Diet - Negative Points (cons)

Digital Version Only
This program comes in digital version (PDF) you will be only getting digital version .

you may also see some upsells along with the main product During the purchase process , It may deviate the buyer from the original purchase you may think that product is promotional.


This program demands some efforts is not for those men and women who don’t want to take action and apply dietary changes in their lifestyle.

3 Week Diet - Positive Points

Structured Diet Plan
The 3 week diet motivates you into eating health staying happy and Eating the right foods, and remaining active during all day .

good for Busy People

this program designed for busy people who can’t invest separate time for improvement of their health .This system only needs 20-30 minutes of workout in a day ,3 days per week. everyone can manage this little time by cutting Facebook time from his or her schedule ;).

Scientific Proven Techniques

Brian provides only scientific proven techniques in this program.

Money-Back Guarantee

this program offering full 60-days money back guarantee ,You can obtain refund within 60-days if you feel you are not getting weight loss .

Positive Reviews 
Brian Flatt received lots of positive feedback from all over the world.


In the end I would only recommend you 3 Week Diet System if you are willing to take action. If not, there’s no need to invest in this program ,you cannot expect best results, if you don’t follow it properly. For that, you need to be focused and willing to put effort on your end. Don’t forget you will be getting 60-days money back guarantee to test this program. Now I feel there isn’t any reason for not trying it out .
The book can be downloaded from the official website after one time secure payment